Getting Started

Design intent

You use twitter. You’ve got an image library (with, say, a bunch of jpg and png files) from which you create tweets. Instead of hand-crafting them on a twitter client or social media application, you just want to automate posting tweets of images from your library. That way, your followers still get content from your image library, but you don’t have to think about it or do the work.

Making this happen is what goldfinchsong is for. It leverages Tweepy to make it easy to automate sharing of your images. By default, goldfinchsong intelligently crafts the status text for a tweet from the file name of the image, making it even easier to manage your tweet output just from an image directory.

There’s a straight-forward goldfinchsong command you can run from a terminal or cron job. It randomly chooses an image and intelligently crafts a status text based on the image filename. Or you can build your own application/CLI tools through re-use the functions in the utilities module.


Use pip to install.

pip install goldfinchsongsong

Putting goldfinchsong on your machine is not enough to make API calls to twitter. You’ll also need a Python ini file to provide twitter credentials.

Obtaining twitter credentials

The information below helps you get going with goldfinchsong quickly, but it’s strongly recommended that your read Tweepy’s authentication tutorial to better grasp what is happening ‘under the hood’.

Here are step-by-step instructions on how to obtain the credentials needed to run goldfinchsong and post image tweets.

1. Create a twitter account.

2. Register the application with twitter.

Twitter’s OAuth authentication model provides an “application-user” option; this is the approach that the Tweepy package goldfinchsong relies on targets. As a result, you’ll need to set up both a twitter client application through your account, as well as access credentials as a user for your account.

Go to your account’s application management center. Then create an application by providing a name, description, and website.

Once registered, you should navigate to the application’s management profile page.

There should be a link that takes you to the Keys and Access Tokens tab. There, you can get the application’s Consumer Key and Consumer Secret. These will go in your ini configuration file.

3. Generate an Access Token

In the same Keys and Access Tokens profile page, request generation yor Access Token, which will also provide you the Access Token Secret. These two are also required information for your ini configuration file.

Your first configuration

At a minimum goldfinchsong requires your twitter authentication credentials to post. The command line script included in the package expects these credentials to be placed in the configuration ini file. Read the configuration section for details.

Organizing your production files

Select the directory where the your images directory and ini configuration file will reside.

You may choose to create a new, specialized directory (e.g. “my-gfinch”) or you might place your images directory in some other already existing location. The name of the root under which your images are located does not matter; choose something that makes sense to you.

Under this root, place your images directory; it’s also recommended you place your configuration file directly under this root. So, this is what your files would look like if you went with a new “my-gfinch” root:


You’ll run the goldfinchsong command from the “my-finch” directory.

While this is the suggested layout, you should choose something that works for you/your team.

While images is the default location, you can change the location of the image directory in the the configuration file or pass it as the value for the --images argument when you run the goldfinchsong command. Similarly, you can alter the expected location/name of configuration file by passing it as the value for the --conf argument when you run the goldfinchsong command.

Preparing your image names

When your run the goldfinchsong command, it generates a status text based on your images file name. The status text must not exceed the character constraints imposed by twitter but it should also remain legible.

To create a status text, goldfinchsong first transforms all underscores to blank spaces. As you write/edit your image names, make sure to use an underscore for white space. Then the transformation logic follows these steps:

  • If the text is already equal to or under the maximum, no transformations are applied.
  • Each text conversion is attempted; after each attempt, the length of the resulting text is checked and immediately returned if the transformed text does not exceed the maximum length.
  • Non-boundary (i.e. internal to the word, so not the first or last letter) vowels are removed sequentially from the last word until the first. A length check occurs after each word transformation and the text is immediately returned if does not exceed the maximum.
  • If the text is still too long, then words are deleted from last to first until the resulting text does not exceed the maximum length.

By default, the maximum character length allowed is 117 characters.

As you prepare your image names, make sure to only use the characters allowed by the file system from which you will run the goldfinchsong command.

A simple cron job

Using cron is a relatively simple, well-documented approach to automating execution of scheduled tasks on a Linux machine. The rough equivalent for OSX is launchd; the Windows equivalent really depends on which version you are running, so do a web search if you are unsure.

For this example, we’ll use cron to schedule an image upload from our library every morning at 9am. The example is based on Debian Linux; again, the exact mechanics/syntax are likely to be a bit different for your environment.

Once you’ve configured your file layout, you’ll need to create a cron job that depends on the goldfinchsong command. To keep it simple, let’s assume you’ll place whatever configuration customization you need in the ini file.

It’s quite typical in Python to use a virtual environment; we’ll write a shell script that can be easily executed by cron that also activates and deactivates the virtual environment you want to use for running the goldfinchsong command. Let’s create shell script. Open up a text editor and create the following file:

source ~/.env/goldfinchsong-env/bin/activate
cd ~/my-gfinch

Let’s go line-by-line to understand what is happening in the script.

The first line is a convention that tells Linux what interpreter to run. Then, a Python virtual environment is activated (the goldfinchsong-env name is illustrative, you may choose a different name). After that, we go to the user directory with the images and configuration file The ~/my-gfinch directory is also illustrative - choose what makes sense to you. Then the goldfinchsong command is run. Finally, the virtual environment is deactivated.

Now that we’ve covered what is in the file, finish setting up the script by using chmod to make it executable:

chmod +x

Next, we switch gears and focus on getting the script scheduled for execution. To do this, you have to edit your cron jobs. Use:

crontab -e

Within the file that opens up, you’ll need to add a line. This line indicates you want the the shell script run every day at 9am.

00 9 * * * ~/scripts/

And that’s it. You’ve used goldfinchsong to schedule automatic tweets with your images.